Product Overview

For those who are looking for a reliable and efficient 3D printing experience, the AnkerMake Printer is an excellent choice. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, this printer is perfect for hobbyists and professionals alike.

Key Features

If you’re in the market for a high-performance 3D printer, here are some key features that make the AnkerMake Printer stand out:

  • Upgraded 500 mm/s printing speed with PowerBoost 2.0 technology
  • Precise 0.1 mm detail with an ultra-direct extruder and integrated die-cast aluminum alloy structure
  • Error Detection System with real-time notifications and auto-pause prints
  • Integrated die-cast aluminum alloy structure for increased stability and large print size
  • Remote control with multiple devices, including the AnkerMake app, AnkerMake Studio, and Alexa
  • 7×7 auto-leveling for accurate prints
  • Easy assembly and setup in just 15 minutes
  • Recognizing the importance of convenience, the AnkerMake Printer allows you to print directly from the model library in the app from your phone.

Product Title and Description

To give you a better understanding of what this product has to offer, let’s take a closer look at its title and description:

It’s clear that the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer is designed with speed and precision in mind. With its PowerBoost technology, high-speed printing, and advanced error detection system, this printer is perfect for those who want to take their 3D printing experience to the next level. The product title accurately reflects the printer’s key features, including its fast mode, smooth detail, intuitive control, and auto-leveling capabilities.

Printing Performance

To take your 3D printing experience to the next level, the AnkerMake M5 printer is designed to deliver exceptional printing performance.

Upgraded Speed with PowerBoost 2.0

Upgrading to PowerBoost 2.0 means you’ll experience a significant boost in printing speed, with a 30% increase in power release compared to PowerBoost 1.0. This results in doubled printing speed and acceleration without compromising on print quality.

Precise 0.1 mm Detail with Ultra-Direct Extruder

Now, you can achieve precise prints with incredible 0.1 mm detail thanks to the new ultra-direct extruder and integrated die-cast aluminum alloy structure.

With the ultra-direct extruder, you’ll notice a significant improvement in print quality, especially when printing small details or intricate designs. The die-cast aluminum alloy structure provides added stability, ensuring that your prints turn out smooth and accurate even at high speeds.

Intelligent Printing Features

If you’re looking for a seamless printing experience, the AnkerMake M5 has got you covered with its advanced intelligent printing features.

Error Detection System with AI Camera

Assuming you’ve had your fair share of failed prints, you’ll appreciate the M5’s error detection system, which uses an AI-powered camera to monitor your print job and detect any issues in real-time.

Real-Time Notifications and Auto-Pause Prints

Camera monitoring enables real-time notifications and auto-pause prints when errors are detected, saving you time and filament.

Any potential issues, such as the print not sticking to the bed, spaghetti messes, or extruder jams, will trigger an alert, and the printer will automatically pause, allowing you to intervene and correct the problem before it’s too late. This feature ensures that you can focus on other tasks while your printer works, knowing that it’s got your back.

Design and Stability

Once again, Anker has impressed with the design of the M5 printer, which not only looks sleek but also provides exceptional stability and performance.

Integrated Die-Cast Aluminum Alloy Structure

Designing the M5 with an integrated die-cast aluminum alloy structure was a clever move by Anker. This feature ensures that your printer remains stable and robust, even when printing at high speeds.

Z-Axis Design for Reduced Center of Gravity

Structure plays a crucial role in maintaining stability, and the Z-axis design of the M5 is no exception. By reducing the center of gravity, Anker has made it possible for you to print larger models with ease and precision.

Center of gravity is a critical aspect of 3D printing, and Anker’s innovative design has tackled this issue head-on. With the Z-axis design, the weight of the base is increased, which in turn reduces the center of gravity of the machine. This means you can enjoy faster printing speeds and turbo acceleration without compromising on stability. The result is a more reliable and accurate printing experience, even with larger print sizes.

Convenience and Control

Not only does the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer offer impressive print quality and speed, but it also provides a range of features that make it easy to use and control.

Remote Control with Multiple Devices

Control your prints from anywhere, at any time, with the AnkerMake app, AnkerMake Studio, and Alexa. You can even print directly from the model library in the app from your phone, giving you the freedom to work on your projects whenever inspiration strikes.

7×7 Auto-Leveling for Accurate Prints

To ensure accurate prints, the AnkerMake M5 features advanced 7×7 auto-leveling, which calculates a virtual height map to get your print started on the right foot.

Any issues with leveling can be a major source of frustration and wasted filament. With the AnkerMake M5’s 7×7 auto-leveling, you can trust that your prints will start off on the right foot, every time. This feature takes the guesswork out of leveling, allowing you to focus on what matters most – creating amazing prints.



Q: What is the maximum printing speed of the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer?

A: The AnkerMake M5 3D Printer has an upgraded 500 mm/s printing speed, thanks to PowerBoost 2.0 technology, which achieves smooth power output and increases power release by 30% compared to PowerBoost 1.0. This allows for faster printing without sacrificing print quality.

Q: How does the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer ensure precise prints?

A: The AnkerMake M5 3D Printer features a new ultra-direct extruder and an integrated die-cast aluminum alloy structure, which provides precise prints with 0.1 mm detail. This ensures that the printer maintains stability and quality even when printing at high speeds.

Q: What is the Error Detection System in the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer, and how does it work?

A: The Error Detection System in the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer uses an integrated intelligent camera and extra processing power to detect errors during printing, such as failing to stick to the print bed, spaghetti messes, or extruder jams. When an error is detected, the system auto-pauses the print, saving time and filament. You’ll receive real-time notifications, allowing you to take corrective action.

Q: How does the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer’s design contribute to stable printing?

A: The AnkerMake M5 3D Printer features an integrated die-cast aluminum alloy structure and Z-axis design, which increases the weight of the base and reduces the center of gravity of the machine. This design makes printing more stable, especially when printing at high speeds and with large print sizes (235 x 235 x 250 mm).

Q: Can I control the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer remotely, and how do I access my prints?

A: Yes, you can control the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer remotely using the AnkerMake app, AnkerMake Studio, and Alexa. You can also print directly from the model library in the app from your phone, giving you access to your prints wherever you are.